Freitag, 14 Januar 2022 - 19:00

part one
By Alessandro Tommasi

Tickets will be on sale from Monday, January 3, 2022.

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Leonora Armellini was a very young winner of the “Janina Nawrocka Prize” for the “extraordinary musicality and beauty of sound” at the F. Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw (2010). Her result was brilliantly confirmed in the 2021 edition, with a Fifth Prize that makes her the first Italian woman to have climbed the heights of the competition considered as the top of international pianism. Leonora has been jumping the gun since a young age, graduating summa cum laude from the Padova Conservatory at the age of 12, winning the Premio Venezia in 2005, and graduating at the age of 17 at the National Academy of S. Cecilia in Rome, under the guidance of Sergio Perticaroli. In 2018 she graduated from the Imola Academy with Boris Petrushanksy. The variety of awards and his heavy activity as soloist and chamber music pianist for prestigious festivals and concert season in Italy and abroad testify to her the well-deserved fame in the worldwide concert scenario. She is currently a Faculty Member of Piano at the Buzzolla Conservatory of Music in Adria (Italy).

L’esperienza e il portamento della 29enne Leonora Armellini si estendono alla sua presenza scenica, per non parlare della sua completa padronanza alla tastiera del Fazioli. Il pianoforte sembra essere un’estensione naturale del suo corpo. / Jed Distler, gramophone.co.uk

FRYDERYK CHOPIN (Żelazowa Wola, 1810 – Parigi, 1849)

Due Notturni, op. 32
n. 1 in si maggiore
n. 2 la bemolle maggiore

Andante spianato et Grande polonaise brillante, op. 22

4 Mazurche, op. 41
n. 1 in do diesis minore
n. 2 in mi minore
n. 3 in si maggiore
n. 4 in la bemolle maggiore

Scherzo n. 4 in mi maggiore, op. 54

Notturno in do minore, op. 48 n. 1

Polacca in la bemolle maggiore, op. 53 “Eroica”


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