When you listen to her, since the very first chord you recognize the stature of a superstar: this is what the press writes about Nareh Arghamanyan.
Born in 1989 in Northern Armenia, a heavily sovietised area, this exceptional interpreter has known the hardships brought about by the tragic historical and economical situation of her country. Nonetheless, she had the chance of growing up in a rich cultural environment: her mother, even though no concert pianist, would play the piano very often, and Nareh, who soon started listening to recordings of the great Gould, Argerich, Horowitz and Gilels, has always been encouraged to attend concerts and cultural events.
Her passion and determination allowed her to study in an adverse environment until she was admitted to the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. Her prize record counts an astounding number of awards, among which the gold medal unanimously awarded at the 2008 Montreal International Musical Competition.
« Elegance, humour, deliciously burbling trills and fiery
imagination. This introduced me to a major, major,
major talent... Pianists don’t come any better,
another potential superstar has arrived! »H. Goldsmith, Musical America and American Record Guide
ALEKSANDR SKRJABIN (Mosca, 1872 - 1915)
Sonata n. 3 in fa diesis minore, op. 23
MICHAIL IVANOVIČ GLINKA (Novospasskoe, 1804 - Berlino, 1857)
Notturno “La Séparation”
Romanza “L’Alouette”, trascrizione per pianoforte di Milij Balakirev
MILIJ ALEKSEEVIČ BALAKIREV (Novgorod, 1837 - San Pietroburgo, 1910)
Islamey, Fantasia orientale, op. 18
NIKOLAI MEDTNER (Mosca, 1880 - Londra, 1951)
da Vergessene Weisen, op. 38:
n. 1: Sonata “Reminiscenza” in la minore
SERGEJ RACHMANINOV (Velikij Novgorod, 1873 - Beverly Hills, 1943)
Daisies (Margaritki / Margherite), op. 38 n. 3
Lilacs (Siren / Lillà), op. 21 n. 5
Where beauty dwells (Zdes khorocho / Qui tutto è bello), op. 21 n. 7 *
Sorrow in springtime (Kak mnié bolno / Dolore in primavera), op. 21 n. 12 *
Oh, cease the singing (Ne poj, krasavica, pri mne / Oh, smetti di cantare), op. 4 n. 4 *
* trascrizioni per pianoforte di Earl Wild
IGOR STRAVINSKIJ (Lomonosov, 1882 - New York, 1971)
Suite dal balletto “L’Oiseau de Feu”
(trascrizione di Guido Agosti “in memoria di Ferruccio Busoni”)