Some claim that he is “a pianist with all the possibilities to join the great tradition of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli and Maurizio Pollini”. Others that he “reminds of the times of Lupu and Perahia”. Any legendary interpreter we want to compare him with, it is clear that Federico Colli has, with good reason, been listed among the thirty “Under 30” pianists who, according to the British magazine International Piano, will dominate the international music scene in the years to come. His interpretative sensitivity, the symphonic style of his phrasing, the ability to play with clarity even the densest music textures, have given him the honour and privilege of collaborating with artists of the caliber of Martha Argerich, Leonidas Kavakos, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Nelson Freire and Lang Lang. Born in 1988, Colli studied at the Milan Conservatory, at the International Piano Academy in Imola and at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, collecting the teachings of Sergio Marengoni, Konstantin Bogino, Boris Petrushansky and Pavel Gililov. His winning of the Leeds Competition in 2012, where he also won the Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Gold Medal and the Champs Hill Records Award, opened the doors for the Italian pianist to a brilliant career.
Beautiful pianism with wonderful tone; very sensitive to nuances, voicing and atmosphere; intelligent, energetic and never heavyhanded.
Jessica Duchen, The Independent
WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (Salisburgo, 1756 – Vienna, 1791)
Fantasia in re minore, K.397
JOHANNES BRAHMS (Amburgo, 1833 – Vienna, 1897)
Tema e Variazioni in re minore, op. 18b
(dall’Andante del Sestetto per archi op. 18)
FERRUCCIO BUSONI (Empoli, 1866 – Berlino, 1924)
Ciaccona per pianoforte in re minore
dalla Partita per violino solo n. 2 BWV 1004 di Johann Sebastian Bach
JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (Eisenach, 1685 – Lipsia, 1750)
Partita n.4 in re maggiore, BWV 828